Skydiving. It's what everyone automatically thinks of as something they want to do before they die. But really, what's the point of that? If I knew I was going to die soon, I would probably think more.. rebellious. Who ever would've considered just thinking about what nobody else thinks about? Skydiving is such a common idea. I would defy the odds in a different way... firstly, by sliding down all the railings on the escalators in an airport. That's right, you heard me. Who else would think of that?
Wouldn't it be positively delightful to gab with the Queen whilst enjoying some tea and scones? We would partake in brilliant conversations, bonding over the fact that we will both be dying in the very near future. Naturally I would have to add this to my Bucket List.
Now of course, we're going to have to include something in my future life about my one true love, Justin Bieber. How could we not? First of all, I would obviously like to go on a date with him. I think it's a perfectly reasonable and exciting goal for me- and I've always wanted to. I could also throw in Bucket List items four and five, being related. I love to sing, though I lack any kind of professional talent. If I could have a chance to work with Justin, to hear his voice over and over, and to hear our voices together... It would be an incredible experience. And to top it off, we would kiss - under the stars. My current goal is that Justin will be my first kiss, but at this rate (We haven't even met yet. But we will), I really don't care about when the kiss is, as long as it happens. And it happens under the stars. Though I wouldn't complain if he kissed me anywhere else. ;)
When you're in an elevator full of strangers, I bet you don't talk to them or ask them about their lives. And why not? Sometimes when I'm in that situation, I honestly like to say 'hi' and introduce myself. One day, I want to meet everyone in a similar situation and even get to know them enough to exchange email addresses or Facebook, if they're nice. Because once again, why not?
One of the most common things people in Canada do before they die is become a licensed driver. I would love to learn to drive of course. Preferably at the normal age of 16, rather than "before I die". But my main interest on that note is getting the actual car... I want a convertible. I want a cherry red Mercedes CLK 500 convertible, and I will do whatever it takes to be behind the wheel of that beautiful car in my lifetime.
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